Monday, June 3, 2013

Sweet Boy

Today, Andy stayed home from work to cut windows in the barn, put up a reading swing, and such.  He asked me if I could wash off this blue tarp and a little dolly that he found in the barn.  I was painting Hope and Ruby's toenails, so I asked if Caleb could do it.  He did it well.  Before he finished, he came over to ask Eliza if she wanted to play.  The next time I saw him, he was very wet and he said, Eliza sprayed and it got all over me.  He wasn't even upset.  Love him!

After I let him up from nap time, he said, "Mom, I covered up with my blanket so that I would lay still and rest."  I love how he remembers the little things I say, does them, and then lets me know that it worked for him.