Sunday, August 11, 2013


After church one Sunday, we stopped by Cracker Barrel for lunch because this pregnant Mama was exhausted.  While we were waiting, Andy taught the kids how to play checkers.

The next week or two, he continued to teach them and Caleb said once, "I'm great!  He is very confident!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beaver’s Bend

Andy just remembered a quote.  When we were packing up to drive home, Caleb said, “I’m ready to go home.  I was out of underwear.”  Ha!  We played in that river a lot!  We’ll have to go back one day.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Big Bubba

Caleb is definitely a five and a half year old!  He doesn’t want smooches or to take normal pictures anymore!  If Dad asks him to help work on something though, he is a hard worker!


He loves to run and race!


He loves having a pet puppy named Roger and a goat name Petey!  He takes great care of the goats with Andy and is always watching out for the girls’ kittens and his puppy. 

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Sweet Boy

Today, Andy stayed home from work to cut windows in the barn, put up a reading swing, and such.  He asked me if I could wash off this blue tarp and a little dolly that he found in the barn.  I was painting Hope and Ruby's toenails, so I asked if Caleb could do it.  He did it well.  Before he finished, he came over to ask Eliza if she wanted to play.  The next time I saw him, he was very wet and he said, Eliza sprayed and it got all over me.  He wasn't even upset.  Love him!

After I let him up from nap time, he said, "Mom, I covered up with my blanket so that I would lay still and rest."  I love how he remembers the little things I say, does them, and then lets me know that it worked for him.