Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bud & BJ

Mr C has a great set of Sunday School teachers.  Mr Bud and Ms BJ are so friendly, welcoming and make the classroom full of fun for Mr C & Hope-e-potamus!  We are so thankful for them & tell them regularly.  Ms BJ has reinterated several times how Mr C looks just like her oldest son & she always feels sentimental as she watches him play.  I guess their personalities, interests and learning styles are very similar as well, which is incredible.  Mr C loves going to church & I attribute that to both his spiritual life and to his teachers.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012


On last Thursday, the kiddos and I were out playing in the yard before dinner time.  Mr C and Hope-apotamus were digging dirt to fill holes dug by our neighbor girl's #4 & 5 dogs, chaining their ladder to the reclaimed wood fort, Ruby was mostly "cooking" in the playhouse, and Eliza was stringing chains from the tree to the tire swing.  It was a normal evening.  Then, it started getting darker and I was wondering where Andy was and if he was heading home yet.  I looked everywhere for my phone {quickly because I just left them out by themselves} and finally came to the conclusion that I had left in the van when we came back from the mini master class that morning.  I rushed out, got it, and then heard Mr C yelling something from the back yard while Ruby cried a little.  I rushed back through the house and came out to find Ruby on the fort!!!!!!  I asked Caleb, who was up there, how she had gotten up there and he said, "she climbed up the ladder, but the ladder fell and she held on to the edge of the fort.  Then, I grabbed her and pulled her up with me!"  I praised him over and over for his quick thinking, his strength, his watchfulness, and so much!  When Dad came home for dinner, I asked Mr C to tell him what had happened with Ruby on the fort.  Then, Mr C relayed the story to him and added, "I'm a hero!"  Our little hero man boy!! 
He's quite the LEGO pirate ship builder too!!